Section 3: Assignment
Please download ALL documentation and read this section carefully.
GIS Story Map for the data analysis project is an independent coursework which needs to complete before Friday, 6th December before 12:00pm. This assignment accounts for 10% of your GEOG0013 grade and will be marked using the same grading matrix used for the other worksheet tasks.
Please DOWNLOAD the GEOG0013 GIS & Mapping Assignment Guidance Sheet for this coursework. For extra guidance and instruction on assignment beyond this online handbook, you will find such information contained in this 2-page documentation.
Please DOWNLOAD the GEOG0013 Submission Cover Sheet. Use this document to include your candidate ID, group number and URL to Story Map. Make sure to submit this as a Word (.doc or .docx) document through Moodle’s Turnitin before Friday, 6th December before 12:00pm.