5 Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Models

5.1 Lecture recording (Length: 48:25 minutes)

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5.2 Introduction

This week we will learn how to perform Hierarchical regression modelling within a Bayesian framework. These models are useful and much superior to the generic regressions especially if there is an hierarchical structure to the data. This artefact must be taken into account off to ensure statistical robustness. We will focus on implementing 2-level hierarchical regressions with examples on random-intercept-only model as these are quite simple to pull off in Stan. Let us begin.

5.2.1 Datasets & setting up the work directory

Go to your folder GEOG0125 and create a sub folder called “Week 7” within the GEOG0125 folder. Here, we will store all our R & Stan scripts as well as datasets. Set your work directory to Week 7’s folder.

For Windows, the code for setting the work directory will be:

setwd("C:/Users/AccountName/Desktop/GEOG0125/Week 7")

For MAC, the code for setting the work directory will be:

setwd("/Users/AccountName/Desktop/GEOG0125/Week 7")

The dataset for this practical are:

  • Maths attainment and activity study.csv
  • Pregnancies and hospital data.csv

The dataset were going to start of with is the Maths attainment and activity study.csv. Let us load this dataset into memory:

# load up the data
Maths_dataset <- read.csv("`Maths attainment and activity study.csv`")

5.2.2 Loading packages

We need to load the installed packages including rstan and tidybayes:

# load up packages

As usual, configure Stan:

# configure Stan
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)

5.3 Data preparation and set-up for Bayesian analysis in Stan

We are going to fit a 2-level hierarchical model on a continous outcome i.e., MathScore and see how the following independent variables i.e., ActiveTime and Supportive impact it. The Maths_dataset contains a total of 200 students evenly clustered into 4 classrooms ClassroomID (i.e., 50 students in each classroom). The students have a unique student number i.e., StudentID and classroom number the GroupID column.

We want fit an random-intercept-only to explore the difference in the classroom’s performance in maths, as well as how ActiveTime and Supportive impact it. To perform the 2-level hierarchical model, we need to perform the dataset accordingly by extract right information from the Maths_dataset data frame for the Stan script as follows:

  • N = total number of students (level 1);
  • CL = maximum number of group (level 2);
  • ClassroomID = the list of all the group numbers that align with the students;
  • k = the total k-number of indepedent variables to be included in the model (k=2) because we want to use ActiveTime and Supportive;
  • MathScore = we want to extract the dependent variable;
  • ActiveTime = we want to extract the first independent variable;
  • Supportive = we want to extract the second independent variable;

We can condense this information into list() object in line of code as our dataset for Stan to compile:

stan.dataset <- list(N=nrow(Maths_dataset), 

At this point, the dataset is fully prepared and ready to go. Let’s create our Stan script for running a 2-level Multilevel linear regression within a Bayesian framework.

5.3.1 Creating a script to run a 2-level Multilevel linear regression in Stan

We will need Data, Parameters and Model blocks only for this analysis. Recall that the Data, Parameters and Model block must be specified for any regression analysis to work.

FIRST STEP: We specify the total number of observations int N as well as the number of independent variables int k as an integer in the data block. We define our MathScore outcome as a vector of size N, and we do the same for the two independent variables ActiveTime and Supportive. We need to specific the number of classrooms for which the students are clustered in through CL and ClassroomID.

data {
    int<lower = 0> N;       // Number of students
    int<lower = 0> CL;      // Total number of classrooms
    int<lower = 0, upper = CL> ClassroomID[N];    // Aligning the classroom ID number to the student ID
    int<lower = 0> k;                   // Specify total number of independent variables to be used in model
    real<lower = 0> ActiveTime[N];      // First independent variable
    real<lower = 0> Supportive[N];      // Second independent variable
    real<lower = 0> MathScore[N];       // Outcome or dependent variable

SECOND STEP: For the parameters block, here we will need to specify the name of the fixed effect part of regression i.e., gamma00 and the level-1 coefficients beta for our independent variables. We need to also specify the random effect part of the model as well i.e., u0,1 u0,2, u0,3 and u0,4 as a vector by linking this to the four number of classes. Finally, we need to specify the sigma_error and group_error as the variance (or residual errors on group- and individual-level) as we must estimate this!

Here is the code:

data {
    int<lower = 0> N;                             // Number of students
    int<lower = 0> CL;                            // Total number of classrooms
    int<lower = 0, upper = CL> ClassroomID[N];    // Aligning the classroom ID number to the student ID
    int<lower = 0> k;                             // Specify total number of independent variables to be used in model
    real<lower = 0> ActiveTime[N];                // First independent variable
    real<lower = 0> Supportive[N];                // Second independent variable
    real<lower = 0> MathScore[N];                 // Outcome or dependent variable

parameters {
    real gamma00;                                 // Declare the fixed part (intercept)
    vector[k] beta;                               // Declare the fixed part (coefficients for ActiveTime and Supportive)
    vector[CL] u;                                 // Declare the random effects u0,1 u0,2, u0,3 and u0,4
    real<lower = 0> sigma_error;                  // Declare the random part (level-1)
    real<lower = 0> group_error;                  // Declare the random part (level-2)

THIRD AND LAST STEP: We build our likelihood function and specify the priors for each parameter under the model block. We are using a typical linear model as we are assuming there’s some linear relationship:

data {
    int<lower = 0> N;                             // Number of students
    int<lower = 0> CL;                            // Total number of classrooms
    int<lower = 0, upper = CL> ClassroomID[N];    // Aligning the classroom ID number to the student ID
    int<lower = 0> k;                             // Specify total number of independent variables to be used in model
    real<lower = 0> ActiveTime[N];                // First independent variable
    real<lower = 0> Supportive[N];                // Second independent variable
    real<lower = 0> MathScore[N];                 // Outcome or dependent variable

parameters {
    real gamma00;                                 // Declare the fixed part (intercept)
    vector[k] beta;                               // Declare the fixed part (coefficients for ActiveTime and Supportive)
    vector[CL] u;                                 // Declare the random effects u0,1 u0,2, u0,3 and u0,4
    real<lower = 0> sigma_error;                  // Declare the random part (level-1)
    real<lower = 0> group_error;                  // Declare the random part (level-2)

model {
    real mu;
    u ~ normal(0, group_error);
    gamma00 ~ normal(0, 20);
    beta ~ normal(0, 20);
    for (i in 1:N) {
        mu = gamma00 + u[ClassroomID[i]] + beta[1]*ActiveTime[i] + beta[2]*Supportive[i];
        MathScore[i] ~ normal(mu, sigma_error);

Let’s save the script as Maths_Activity_study.stan. Now, we can compile and run it through RStudio to get our estimates coefficients and random intercept results.

5.3.2 Compiling our Stan code for Hierarchical Modelling

Now, let us turn our attention to RStudio. Using the stan() to compile the save script to obtain the posterior estimation of the parameters in our hierarchical model:

# Start the clock
ptm <- proc.time()
# compile linear regression model for now
bayesian.hierarchical.model = stan("Maths_Activity_study.stan", data=stan.dataset, iter=10000, chains=6, verbose = FALSE)
# Stop the clock
proc.time() - ptm

Output summary table


Inference for Stan model: anon_model.
6 chains, each with iter=10000; warmup=5000; thin=1; 
post-warmup draws per chain=5000, total post-warmup draws=30000.

               mean se_mean    sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% n_eff Rhat
gamma00       33.24    0.38 24.31  -18.18   16.03   35.80   54.05   68.28  4194    1
beta[1]       11.44    0.01  0.78    9.90   10.92   11.45   11.97   12.98 18542    1
beta[2]        3.18    0.01  0.83    1.57    2.63    3.18    3.75    4.82 18370    1
u[1]          44.92    0.38 24.33    9.76   24.10   42.30   62.08   96.37  4182    1
u[2]          37.23    0.38 24.33    2.07   16.42   34.62   54.48   88.78  4192    1
u[3]          21.59    0.38 24.32  -13.54    0.79   18.96   38.76   73.01  4195    1
u[4]          28.08    0.38 24.32   -7.09    7.28   25.49   45.30   79.49  4190    1
sigma_error    3.34    0.00  0.17    3.03    3.22    3.33    3.45    3.69 17383    1
group_error   56.16    0.73 58.88    8.34   20.69   40.83   71.25  197.13  6566    1
lp__        -353.89    0.02  2.14 -359.01 -355.06 -353.55 -352.34 -350.73  9263    1

Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Fri Mar  3 06:03:06 2023.
For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
convergence, Rhat=1).

Here is the interpretation:

  • gamma00 is the global mean (or average) in the population under study. This means after for accounting for clustering, on average the students’ marks in maths are 33.24 (95% CrI: -18.18 to 68.28). Note that the u[1] is the random-effect for the intercept for Class 1, its value is 44.92 (i.e., positive value). By added this to 33.24, we get the intercept that is specific to Class 1. Similarly, for u[2] by adding 37.23 to 33.24, we obtain the intercept this is specific to Class 2, and the rest is so on, and so forth.
  • beta[1] is the level-1 coefficient for ActiveTime. This means after for accounting for clustering, its yields a positive increase on average for maths scores the more time is spent on active learning. This increase is significant since the credibility intervals exclude the null value of zero.
  • beta[2], in the same vein, the same can be said for amount of one-to-one support a student receives from a teacher.
  • Variances for level-1 and level-2 can used to explain the model’s performance by taking the 56.16/(56.16 + 3.34) = 0.943. Here, it’s 0.943 or 94.3%, this quantity is actually known as the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). This the proportion of explained variation in the 2-level hierarchical model when accounting for group clustering. Here, the value is quite high and so its a good model. Anything close to 1 (100%) is good and bad vice versa.

5.4 Task

Try your hand on this problem in Stan: Build a random intercept logit model using data on 1060 births to 501 mothers. The outcome of interest is whether the birth was delivered in a hospital or elsewhere. The predictors include the log of income loginc, the distance to the nearest hospital distance, and two indicators of mothers’s education: dropout for less than high school and college for college graduate, so high school or some college is the reference cell.

Have ago at building this model.