
Appendix 1: List of functions used in this workshop

Function Description of use
setwd() Use it to set the work directory to folder with stored data
read.csv() Use it to import and open a .csv excel spreadsheet
write.csv() Use it to export and save data as a .csv excel spreadsheet
data.frame() Use it to create data frame object
View() Use it to examine your data set in a data viewer
merge() Use it to merge two data frames together
c() Use it to create a list of data items to create a vector object
exp() A simple mathematical function - exponential
log() A simple mathematical function - logarithmic
head() Use on data frame to see the first couple of row observations
tail() Use on data frame to see the last couple of row observations
min() Use on variable to see the lowest value
max() Use on variable to see the highest value
seq() Use it to generate a sequence of numbers
cut() Use it to class or categorize a continuous variable
table() Create a table, or to perform cross-tabulation
cumsum() Compute the cumulative sums of a variable
hist() Plot a histogram
plot() Make a general plot
axis() Supplementary code making custom plots for axis. Follow-up to plot()
polygon() Supplementary code making custom plots for areas under curves. Follow-up to plot()
lines() Used as a follow-up to plot()to add a line/curve to a plot
abline() Used as a follow-up to plot()to add vertical/horizontal lines to a plot
colnames() To rename columns
summmary() Reports the min, max, median, mean, and IQRs
sd() Reports the standard deviation
boxplot() Plot a box plot
dnorm() Generates a normal distribution from mean & standard deviation
pnorm() Predicts probability under a normal distribution

Appendix 2: List of symbols used in this workshop

Symbol Description of use
$ Dollar sign for accessing a variable within a data frame
<- Operator sign for assigning values to an object
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Divisor
^ Raise to power